The logo for brand caddy shows a man carrying a golf bag and a flag.

About... you

You're the Pro. We're about serving, guiding, and empowering you so that you can focus on what you do best.

We care about


We want to hear about the roadblocks just as much as the dreams and goals.

We create solutions that meet you where you're at, make your life easier, and allow you to actually enjoy launching your new brand.

Your Community

We're not only interested in helping you reach your customers but reaching them in a way that makes you the easy choice.

Helping customers quickly identify you with smart design, and occupy a space of their mind to keep choosing you with strategy.

Your Business

Building for long-term growth is important, but so is solving short-term pain points.

We're here to get you unstuck on macro and micro problems and design your business to connect.

We're on a mission to equip community building businesses to become top-of-mind brands through focused design systems and language that gives them a DESIGNED ADVANTAGE over the field.

Who We Are (and Who we are NOT)



We're focused on brand strategy and design and believe these are two things in business that cannot exist without each other.


Tools over templates. Sure, we use frameworks as tools in our process, but we're not about to put you in a box.


We're investigative and empathetic. We're more concerned with asking good questions, and listening closely.

Priced for Quality

Our work is priced at a level that we can give your business the quality time, attention, and results needed.


When we take on a project, we're equal professional partners. We're going to reach these solutions and win, together.


Brands are made up of real people with real needs. We're going to get real, and we'll need to establish a professional relationship with healthy boundaries.


Call us midwestern, but while we're champions of creativity we always look for ways to keep things grounded in practicality.



We don't take on generalized "graphic design" or "I just need a logo in 3 days" jobs. This generally does not fit with how we operate.


Your business cannot stand out if it gets forced through the same mass produced system as everyone else.

Advice Monsters

We don't strive to be the smartest person in the room. We're not going to create work that is just for us, when it has to work for you.

The Most Expensive or The Cheapest

We're not priced like an agency, but we're also not new freelancers. We're not wishy-washy on pricing, and we're not shoving extras into the contract.

Order Takers or Creative Wizards

You don't hire us if you want to dictate the entire process. You also don't hire us if you don't want to be a part of that process either.


We also don't work in silos. For projects to result in success, we cannot hold our cards up and sit at the opposite side of the table.

Boring or Shocking

Not standing out isn't an option but that doesn't always call for "shock value". We're into real, not fluff.

"When you say 'We', you mean..."

...It's Rob. Plus You.

Plus trusted partners we've brought into the project for their specific set of skills.

Rob Harrison

I'm a brand strategist & designer and founder of Brand Caddy (formerly Fizz Design Co.)

I've worked for over a decade in many capacities around brands (analytics/data, internally, in a consultancy, and most recently here as a strategist and designer) and it's given me a unique perspective on both form and function in branding.

I'm a lifelong learner and have found my niche in brand strategy and identity, a craft to hone and better serve my clients. This is an ever-evolving process.

Whether I've worked with Fortune 500 companies or solopreneurs, my role has always been as a helper, as a sidekick. That suits me just fine. I view myself as the lineman to your quarterback, the caddy to your pro.

I invite you to reach out, and let's talk about your goals for your business and how we can play to your brand's advantage to reach them.

See our Case Studies

  • A logo for martin contracting is shown on an orange background.
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